Time & Location
Sep 25, 2021, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Voluntown, Cutoff Rd, Voluntown, CT 06384, USA
About the Event
This is an educational hike so there will be lots of stops to discuss forest ecology, the natural role of fire in our forests and how disturbances such as fire contribute to maintaining forest health. The hike will take us through several different forest habitats (including the burn site) which will allow us to evaluate the results of the prescribed burn that was conducted on March 10, 2021.
In order to set the stage for our walk I want you all to think about what you expect to see if you have not seen the area prescribed burned off Lawrence Road that we are going to visit. Given that 123 acres were burned there on March 10, what do you think it will look like six months later on September 25th?
Directions to Chapman Field from Voluntown: From the intersection of Highways 138 and 49 (Bronson's Pool and Hardware Store) go north on Highway 49 0.65 miles to the Smokey Bear sign. Turn left onto the paved Pachaug State Forest Headquarters Road and follow it to the CCC Statue. Turn left at CCC Statue and Chapman field is 0.25 miles ahead.
We will leave Chapman Field at 10am, so please try to arrive a few minutes early so we can get everyone togetherand checked in . The hike will start at Edmonds Pond on Trail 2 in the Forest. We will be hiking on foot trails, dirt roads and we will also be bushwacking thru the burn area off trail (it is quite open so not difficult). The hike distance will total 2.5 miles. There are public toilets at Chapman Field.